Chicago Domestic Violence Lawyer
Domestic Battery, Orders of Protection and all other violations of the law based on a relationship between the accused and the victim are serious crimes and treated as such. The laws in Illinois have been designed to give extra protection to individuals who have a relationship with the accused. If a person is charged with a crime such as Domestic Battery he/she will appear in a Domestic Violence Court, which is a special court designed to handle these very difficult situations. If you are facing charges of domestic violence in Illinois, an experienced Chicago Domestic Violence Lawyer can inform you of your rights.
Domestic Violence in Illinois
Domestic violence in the state of Illinois is defined as a crime of physical or emotional abuse in which the aggressor and the victim are “family or household members,” which includes:
- current and former spouses
- parents, children, stepchildren and others that are related by blood or marriage
- individuals who currently share or formerly shared a dwelling
- individuals who have a child together
- individuals are dating
- individuals who are engaged to be married, and
- individuals with disabilities and their caregivers.
(725 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/112A-3)
Domestic Battery and Aggravated Domestic Battery in Illinois
Domestic battery is a crime in which a person intentionally causes bodily harm to a family or household member, or makes physical contact in an insulting or provocative way. If the aggressor causes great bodily harm, disfigurement or permanent disability to the victim, then the aggressor may be charged with aggravated domestic battery.
It is important to understand that even though Domestic Battery is classified as a Misdemeanor, it carries stricter and more serious penalties. If convicted of a Domestic Battery, you cannot have the conviction Expunged (erased) from your record and it will stay with you forever. Also, if you have been served with an Order of Protection it is important to have legal representation when you are required to appear in court.
Protective Orders
Protective orders may be issued by the court in order to protect the petitioner. Such order may include provisions to keep the respondent from intimidating, harassing and physically abusing the petitioner. The order can also keep the respondent from the residence of the petitioner. These orders can last up to two years. Violating a protective order has serious consequences.
Experienced Domestic Battery Defense in Chicago
Michael A. Johnson has successfully handled hundreds of individuals accused of a variety of Domestic Violence charges as well as violations of Orders of Protection. If you or a loved one has been accused of Domestic Battery or has been served with an Order of Protection you need an experienced attorney by your side, contact Michael A. Johnson at 312-222-0660 to speak with a Chicago Domestic Violence Lawyer!